Lakeside Baptist Church is a voluntary association of baptized believers in Christ who have covenanted together to follow the teachings of the New Testament in doctrine, worship, and practice. The membership shall consist of persons who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, giving evidence of a change of heart, who have obeyed Him in baptism by immersion, and have adopted the views of faith and practice of this Church.
Candidates are accepted for membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular calendared meeting of the Church, after being counseled with by the Pastor, staff, or deacons.
All such candidates shall be presented to the Church for membership in any of the following ways:
By profession of faith and for baptism.
By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church of like faith and order
By statement of faith if a candidate comes with a prior conversion experience and baptism by immersion and having adopted the views of faith and practice held by the Church.
By proxy, when the person(s) desiring membership cannot, for valid reason, present themselves for membership, they may be presented by a member of their family or close friend