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Justin Howe

Lead Pastor

My Story

Justin had the privilege of serving as a pastor to children, youth, and families for more than a decade. He was the lead pastor at a church in Washington state for more than eight years prior to beginning as the lead pastor at Lakeside. He has a heart for serving King Jesus. It is his hope that every Christian will pursue Christ above all else and that many people would encounter the living Jesus through interactions with Christ-followers.


Justin is a husband to Dorothy and a dad to three beautiful young ladies and one incredible young man. The Howe family spent about five years in the DFW area while he attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. They are excited to be back in Texas. He loves speaking about Jesus in the church and the community. As a speaker, he would be disappointed if he ever took the exciting Word of God and made it sound boring.


He enjoys hanging out outdoors, playing sports or coaching, and going for walks with his wife. It wouldn’t be shocking to find him with a cup of coffee and talking with someone about life and their relationship with Jesus.


"I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14

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